Cause-Related Marketing Vs. Strategic Philanthropy

The act of offering. It starts with a small wave-maybe one person or one little group- but it can construct momentum and end up being a huge wave eventually. Here's a real-life example of how the act of providing can begin small and turn into something much, much larger.But thanks to philanthropy lots of people are discovering the care and the need

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Offer The Best Present At The Greatest Degree

Even in our fast times of digital media and words at the speed of thought, a good old paper heading can still get your attention. More on that in a minute. First a context.The Greeks had two systems of tax. One was liturgy where rich citizens unselfishly contributed more to the government than they were required to. The other system was "tax-farmin

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Marketing 101: Get Included With The Process

While his facility is arguable, Andrew Carnegie's point is unassailable. He understood the power of planned giving. Tax exempt organizations are the fastest growing sector in the United States. Today there are nearly 2 million nonprofit companies, and 50,000 new ones are born each year. The competition for our contributions is intense. Yet many of

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Who Is Organization Based Philanthropy For Anyway?

The act of providing. It starts with a tiny wave-maybe one person or one little group- but it can construct momentum and end up being a huge wave ultimately. Here's a real-life example of how the act of giving can start little and grow into something much, much bigger.You can utilize the networking pillar of bartering to get a lot of the service se

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A business chronicle of philanthropy these days

We are starting to see a shift in the way that companies run, beginning to place more emphasis on charity work.When we hear the word philanthropy, it is most likely that what first comes to mind is the entire host of celebrity philanthropists that have actually become better known for their charitable endeavours than those with which they built the

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